To all zucchini lovers !
Friday, 27 October 2023
Fruit with an elongated or round shape and green or yellow color. It is indeed a fruit, because it contains seeds of the plant, but it is commonly used as a vegetable. It has that sunny something that gives the dishes a Mediterranean look. Fleshy, and low in calories (only 15 kcal/100g), zucchini is made up
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Suffering from shaky muscles during sports?
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Beginning athletes suffer from it: shaky muscles during intensive training. Suddenly, your legs seem to be made of pasta, and in extreme cases you even collapse like a pudding. But why are your muscles shaking? And what can you do about it? Vibrating muscles are also called “muscle tremors” and appear when you ask for
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Anti-blues smoothie, your personal trainer’s recipe
Monday, 21 August 2017
Back from holidays, the grey weather and the end of the weekend got hold of you? Here is a simple yet effective recipe from your personal trainer against the blues that will boost your immune system while leaving a taste of the holidays in your mouth. Tropical Sea Breeze smoothie Ingredients: 1 ½ cup coconut
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