The Foam roller is a massage roller made of more or less dense foam depending on the model, the flexible one without nubs is used in the practice of Pilates, to stretch your muscles, strengthen your abdominal belt, and self-massage.
The Grid (with nubs) Foam Roller is mainly used for self-massage, by rolling the muscles on the Foam Roller by applying body weight. A self-massage with the Foam Roller helps relieve Trigger Points, i.e. a painful area located in the muscle. These knots are most often caused by trauma, repetitive movements and psychological tensions. They are known to cause reduced mobility, muscle weakness (loss of strength) and pain.
Upper back exercise: the area between the tops of your shoulder blades and the middle of your back
–> Lie on your back and on the foam roller placed at shoulder height
•Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor
•Lift your glutes toward the ceiling and cross your arms over your chest
•Try to always look towards the ceiling and not towards your knees so that your spine remains neutral
•Perform slow forward/backward movements, legs straight/bent while rolling on the roller and contract the muscles of your chest.
Foam rolling is known to be slightly uncomfortable so don’t push it so hard that you feel excruciating pain. Lie back and let yourself roll!